Understanding Your Financial Aid Offer

What is a Financial Aid Offer Letter?

经济援助录取通知书是发给学生的通知,告知他们在MCCC就读期间有资格获得的经济援助类型和金额.  Students will login into myWebPAL to review and accept their financial aid offer. The financial aid offer letter has several parts:

Budget: Estimated costs for a student to attend college for the period of enrollment. The budget takes into consideration expenses a student will owe the school (e.g. tuition and fees), 以及学生可能拥有的不属于学生MCCC账单的外部费用.g. books, room/board, transportation.)

EFC: The EFC stands for Expected Family Contribution. This number is calculated from a student’s FAFSA information.  The EFC is NOT the amount of money the family will have to pay for college. Rather, it is a measure of the family’s financial strength.  MCCC uses the EFC, following U.S. 教育部规定,以确定学生是否有资格获得经济援助. 

Types of Financial Aid:

  • Gift Aid:  Grants and scholarships are forms of financial aid that do not have to be repaid.
  • Loans:  Student loans are funds that a student borrows and must repay with interest.
  • Work Study学生可以通过在MCCC做学生助理来赚钱支付学费.

注册少于12个学分可能会导致学生获得的经济援助金额减少. 学生应该联系经济援助办公室,了解如何改变他们的课程安排(增加或减少课程)可能会影响他们的经济援助.

Special Circumstances

遇到特殊情况的学生如果无法负担MCCC的学费,应该联系财务援助办公室寻求帮助. These circumstances could include a change in family income due to unemployment, a reduction in work hours, or a family's unusual medical or dental expenses. The U.S. 教育部给予财政援助管理人员在个案基础上审查学生FAFSA数据元素是否可以调整的自由裁量权, with appropriate supporting documentation from the student, to more accurately reflect the student's current financial circumstances. 

U.S. 教育部规定,学生必须参加合格的学位或证书课程才能获得联邦财政援助. Additionally, 只有学生获得学位或证书所需的课程才有资格获得联邦和州的财政援助资金. (Note: Developmental courses are eligible for financial aid funding, up to a maximum of 30 attempted credits of development coursework.)

如果学生参加了不计入满足学生学位或证书课程要求的任何课程, 这些课程不能用于确定联邦或州财政援助的入学状况.  虽然学生可能会参加学位或证书课程不需要的课程, MCCC cannot award federal or state financial aid for those classes.

What programs are eligible for federal financial aid?

All associate degree programs at MCCC are eligible for federal financial aid.  大多数证书课程,满足至少15周,至少16个学分的长度有资格获得联邦财政援助.  有关证书课程是否符合联邦财政援助资格的最低要求的问题,请联系财政援助办公室.

学生的初始经济援助录取通知书是根据秋季和冬季学期的预期全日制入学情况准备的. If a student’s enrollment is less than full-time, the financial aid offers will be adjusted accordingly.  

Pell Grant Adjustments (Fall and Winter)

Each semester, MCCC设定了一个日期,此后佩尔助学金将不会因入学状态变化而重新计算. This is known as the Census Date. For the Fall and Winter semesters, this date is the last day of the 100% tuition refund period for 15-week classes. 这意味着佩尔助学金的支付将基于学生在15周课程100%学费退款期结束时注册的学时数.

  • 在100%退还15周学费之前或期间,退课或加课如果学生在15周课程100%退款期之前或期间退课或加课, 由于学生入学情况的变化,佩尔助学金将重新计算并进行相应调整.
  • Dropping or Adding Classes After the 100% Tuition Refund Period of 15-Week Classes如果学生在15周课程100%退款期结束后退课或加课, 学生的佩尔助学金不会因学生入学情况的变化而调整.  The exception to this would be if a student drops all classes, 在这种情况下,佩尔助学金必须根据学生本学期参加的天数重新计算. 

         The Census Date for Fall 2022 is Tuesday, August 30, 2022

         The Census Date for Winter 2023 is TBD


Pell Grant Adjustments (Summer)

夏季学期佩尔助学金的普查日期是8周课程100%学费退款期的最后一天. 这意味着佩尔助学金的支付将基于学生在8周课程100%学费退款期结束时注册的学时数.

         The Census Date for Summer 2023 is TBD


Direct Loan Adjustments (Fall, Winter, Summer)

For Direct Loans, if a student is enrolled less than full-time, the student’s Direct Loan may be decreased from what was on the initial offer letter, 因为学生的非全日制学费要比全日制学费低. 经济援助办公室将在人口普查日期后审查学生的入学状况,并在支付资金之前对贷款金额进行任何调整.

For Direct Loans, 学生必须注册至少一半的时间(至少六个学分)的学期. 财政援助办公室在贷款发放时检查学生的入学状况. (注:在人口普查日期之后增加的课程将计入直接贷款的入学要求.)

If a student drops below half-time enrollment at any point during the semester, 在不到半学期的注册状态下,学生将没有资格获得该学期任何额外的直接贷款支付. (注:学生在半期制期间,可保留在本学期早些时候发放的直接贷款资金. The exception to this would be if the student drops all classes, 在这种情况下,直接贷款必须根据学生在本学期就读的天数重新计算.)



Contact Information

Financial Aid


Building / Office IconS-101
Phone Icon (734) 384-4135


Summer Hours (May 6 – Aug. 9)
Mon - Thur: 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.